martes, 1 de diciembre de 2009

Typing Test
gross speed accury
11/24/2009 19min 7sec 17 50
11/25/2009 26min 6sec 15 58
12/1/2009 26min 33sec 15 67
What do you think you are doing well ?
I think im doing well accury.
What do you feel are the short comings of this typing program?
I think this program is not doing well because we need to practice more with the games.
What do you think is the difference between Gross Speed and Net Speed?
I don't know
nclude in your post a goal for Gross Speed, Net Speed, & Accuracy that you think you can achieve before the winter holiday.
Mybe i would like to be at gross speed with a rate of minimum 35 and percentage 100%

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