miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2010

Today i watch a video about technology. at the first time i didn't found it interesting but then when i got on the minute 6 there where so many details. In my opinion i really would like this new technology because i really like it a lot. if i could have that equipment i will take it every where another thing i like was that you can take pictures without a camera so i really found it interesting. another thing was that it had so many different things like it is like an ipod touch because i like it so much. So maybe if they start selling it they could get a lot ofm money because its a thing that is very interesting and i really like it a lot.

The greatest thing of the technology where a lot of things that im going to name some of that things. The thing i really most like was that you can take pictures. then you can take it every where and its not to heavy like a huge camera to take pictures and then it send it to you're computer. Then i really like because its like an ipod touch because you do all of the things with you're hand instead of a keyboard or a mouse. then there another thing i really enjoy was that you can paint with youre fingers. then you put like little thing on you're fingers and each finger elps you to do a different thing. another thing is that you can call to anyone you want. then if you have a newspaper instead of reading there you can see the person who is talking and they tell you the whole story of the newspaper. nest there yo can se the with just touching youre arm. Finally you can play with computer balls and you can also watch a movie and finally you can also play video games. so in my opinion i think i really like it and it should sell to all the people in the world.

open source means taht hes not going to cell it and hes not going to charge it. i think that could be not a good idea. so hes not going to charge it beut evry one who is going to use it can change it. describes practices in production and development that promote access to the end product's source materials—typically, their source code. Like an example moodle everyone in the worl can use it and we dont pay for it and no one charge us for it so thats what hes trying to say wit opoen source.

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